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Did you know some applications can be fast tracked? Jessica Reynolds from Urban Planners Queensland gives you a quick tip how to get your subdivision approval faster.

Development approvals timeframes vary and could take few months. It depends on number of factors and type of the application:

  • code assessable application can take up to 3 months
  • impact assessable application can take anywhere between 6 months and 2 years

There are a number of fastrack systems available in Queensland, however each council has it’s own system. For example Brisbane City Council has their “Risk Smart” assessment process for small subdivision, house design and even small apartment complex. If your design is compliant with particular planning scheme, you might get an approval within one or two weeks.

There are other factors that could delay project approval timeframes and could relate to holidays periods but in general always budget for 3 months for code accessible and 6 months impact accessible.

If you need a help to speed up your development process, work with your townplanner closely or reach out to Jessica from Urban Planners Queensland for advise.

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